December 16, 2011

Letters from Hawaii

John John on his 10point ride

The contest is finished and most of the surfers have made their way home to their loved ones and friends in one piece – which is a miracle in itself – as there were some nasty wipe-outs during this event. I thank the Lord that there weren’t many people that were seriously injured and apart from a few dislocated shoulders and some stitches, most of the surfers walked away unscathed.

 I had the opportunity to share some words of encouragement with the guys and pray for a few of them as well. The highlight was seeing some of these guys requalify for next year. It was a tense time as this is the final event for 2012 and for some of these guys not making the cut can possibly mean the end of their surfing careers. I was stoked to see Kieren Perrow and CJ Hobgood cement there spots back on tour for next year, they are great surfers and awesome human beings of character and generosity.
It is also great to see Kai Otton make the cut as a wild card for 2012. 

I am excited to see what some of the fresh faces on tour will bring next year. So we welcome Kolohe Andino and Yadin Nicol as they make their debut on the world tour. Our prayers are with Freddy P, Chris Davo and Dan Ross who unfortunately didn’t make the cut; we hope to see these guys back on tour soon though. Please pray for Jeremy Flores, Pat Gudauskas and Alejo Muniz who are all recovering from injuries. Pray that they will have rapid healing and be able to train and get ready for the New Year.

I look forward to now having a short break from events and spending sometime with my wife and family over Christmas. I also look forward to what God has instore for the Tour and Chaplaincy for 2012. I will be continuing in my role next year and look forward to sharing this with you every step of the way.

Thankyou for your support along the way and I pray God blesses you and keeps you safe over the Christmas break.

Much love and Merry Christmas.
Abe and Lize

Abe and Lize at the Christmas Parade Haliewa