October 30, 2010

Searching Puerto Rico

Searching Puerto Rico

"Where am I?"

I found myself driving around the coast of Puerto Rico at 1 o'clock in the morning after 20hrs+ flying looking for the place I was meant to be staying. After driving down the same street for the 15th time in a tropical storm I started contemplating sleeping in the car.

I had just flown in to San Juan from Australia with to connecting flights in L.A. and Dallas. I had shared the flight with a couple of other Aussie surfers. We had been bantering about if there were gonna be waves and what to expect of this island in the Caribbean. It was raining when we landed and the warm tropical humidity added to that wet sticky feeling you have when you get off plane after a long flight.

I went to Budget Rentals to get my car and they unfortunately didn’t have the cheap compact I had requested. However were more than happy to bless me with a shiny new Jeep. As I made the two hour drive to the other side of the island I couldn’t help feeling pretty stoked to be riding in style.

The Jeep in the Field of Cars

I followed the directions I was given to get to where I was going. However with only 5 kms to go I could not find the road I was meant to be going. Every street I turned down was a dead end or went in a big circle. I even found the contest site which is over 15mins from the house in the wrong direction. Eventually after a few more circles I made a few “right” turns and I was home.

Pueto Rican Living

Kurt and Lisa are my hosts and they have been more than accommodating. Kurt makes T-shirts for surf shops and companies. He even made a T-shirt around the event “Searching for the Crown” which the Hobgoods posted on their blog Check out www.hobgoods.com for a picture of the shirt. Classic!

Backhand Snap at on of the Contest Sites

I have had a few surfs around the place and the contest setup is looking pretty amazing. This is going to be a great event! Pray for good waves and divine opportunities. Bless ya. Abe